Environment: Agencies/Groups/Organizations
African Wildlife Foundation works to conserve the wild animals of Africa and the land they inhabit. The Alliance for Justice is a national association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, women's, children's and consumer advocacy organizations The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) is dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. The Center for a Livable Future promotes policies to protect health, the environment and sustainable living. Clean Water Network is an alliance of over 1000 organizations working to protect our nation's water resources.Conservation International promotes biodiversity conservation in endangered ecosystems worldwide. CREST provides information about energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable technology information and connections. Defenders of Wildlife works to protect wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Earth First! works to protect wilderness through radical means. Earth Island Institute provides organizational support in developing projects to protect the global environment. Earth Share manages workplace giving campaigns for its member charities.
Earth Summit Watch works to implement Agenda 21, the blueprint for sustainable development, adopted by the world's leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund strives to protect people and natural resources by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws (formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund). Earthwatch sponsors scientific field research to improve understanding of the planet and its inhabitants. Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) provides multidisciplinary research and development of innovative energy and environmental technologies for the protection of air, water and soil. Environmental Defense combines science, economics, and law to find economically sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Environmental Literacy Council offers links to environmental resources on the web. Environmental Working Group provides the public with locally relevant information on the environment. Friends of the Earth USA focuses on the underlying social and economic causes of environmental problems. Greenpeace uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and force solutions. League of Conservation Voters is a bipartisan group working to educate voters and win elections on behalf of the environment. National Audubon Society works through advocacy, policy, science, litigation, sanctuary management, grassroots outreach and education to protect birds and their habitats. National Coalition for Marine Conservation is dedicated to conserving ocean fish, preventing overfishing, reducing bycatch and protecting habitat. National Environmental Trust is a non-partisan organization dedicated to educating the American public on contemporary environmental issues.National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) is dedicated to protecting, preserving and enhancing the U.S. National Park System. National Religious Partnership for the Environment seeks to integrate commitment to global sustainability and environmental justice into all aspects of religious life. National Wildlife Federation unites individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect nature and wildlife. Natural Resources Defense Council protects the environment and human health through advocacy, litigation, research and education. (And publishes this website!) The Nature Conservancy preserves habitats and species by buying the lands and waters they need to survive. Nuclear Control Institute monitors nuclear activities worldwide and pursues strategies to reverse the growth of nuclear arms. Oceana works to protect and restore the world's oceans through advocacy, science, law and public education. Public Agenda provides information on issues ranging from abortion to welfare. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) is an association of watchdog organizations dedicated to safeguarding the public interest and protecting the environment. Rainforest Action Network protects rainforests through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action. Rainforest Alliance promotes research and education to conserve tropical rainforests. Scenic America protects scenic roads, prevents billboards from trashing our highways and helps people create more attractive communities. Sierra Club promotes environmental conservation by influencing public policy -- legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral. Society of Environmental Journalists is a membership group of print and broadcast journalists as well as educators and students. SEJ's purpose is to enable journalists to better inform the public about critical issues concerning the environment. Southern Environmental Law Center is the only environmental organization dedicated solely to protecting the natural resoures of the southeastern United States. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance works to protect the magnificent canyon country and unspoiled public lands surrounding Utah's prized national parks. Union of Concerned Scientists is dedicated to advancing responsible public policies in areas where science and technology play a critical role. The Wilderness Society protects wild places in the United States through public education, policy work and litigation. Wildlife Conservation Society, headquartered at New York City's Bronx Zoo, works to save wildlife and wild lands throughout the world. The Woods Hole Research Center addresses environmental issues through scientific research and education. World Resources Institute helps governments and private organizations cope with environmental, resource and development challenges of global significance. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) seeks to reverse degradation of the environment by promoting biodiversity and sustainability, while minimizing pollution and consumption. World Wildlife Fund (U.S.) dedicated to protecting the world's wildlife and wildlands.
Intergovernmental Organizations - bodies established under international organizations to protect the environment.Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NAFTA) established by NAFTA countries to address environmental concerns, prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts and promote enforcement of environmental law.European Environment Agency (EEA) information on improving Europe's environment.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information to better understand climate change.UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Government Organizations-departments or agencies devoted to monitoring and protecting the environment.CANADA Environment Canada NEW ZEALAND Department of Conservation Ministry for the Environment Parliamentary Commissioner for the EnvironmentUNITED KINGDOM The Wildlife Trusts ENGLAND English Heritage English Nature Environment Agency (England & Wales) SCOTLAND Historic Scotland Scottish Natural Heritage to secure the conservation and enhancement of Scotland's natural heritage.Scottish Environment Protection Agency aims to provide an efficient and integrated protection system for Scotland's environment.WALES
Countryside Council for Wales the government's statutory adviser on sustaining natural beauty, wildlife.Cadw aim is to promote the conservation and appreciation of Wales's historic environment.Environment Agency (England & Wales) NORTHERN IRELANDEnvironment and Heritage Service is responsible for the implementation of environmental policy in Northern Ireland.UNITED STATES Environmental Protection Agency mission to improve human health and the natural environment.Fish and Wildlife Service NATIVE AMERICAN NATIONS Inter-Tribal Environmental Council All US states have fish & game departments that regulate local hunting and other taking of wild animals. Private Organizations (Environmental NGO's) – involved in lobbying, advocacy and conservation efforts.INTERNATIONALBellona Foundation BirdLife International The Center for International Environmental Law Christian Vegetarian Association -stresses ecological impact/stewardshipEarth Charter Organization Earth Liberation Front ECOresearch Network - Environmental Communication Online Environmental Investigation Agency Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide - Global Online community of environmentalists Foundation for Environmental Education Friends of the Earth Gaia Mater (the mother Earth) Green Cross International Greenpeace iNSnet The Nature Conservancy Northwest Earth Institute World Business Council for Sustainable Development Worldwatch Institute World Wildlife Fund North American Pollinator Protection Campaign The Xerces Society Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative AUSTRALIA
Australian Conservation Foundation CANADAACTivist Magazine The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian Environment Network The Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment David Suzuki Foundation Environmental Bureau of Investigation Environmental Defence Pollution Probe Sierra Club of Canada Sierra Legal Defence Fund GERMANYROBIN WOOD BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) BUNDjugend (Bund's Youth organization) ITALY
Legambiente Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli Lega Anti Vivisezione NEW ZEALAND
Buller Conservation Group Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (ECO) Kiwis Against Seabed Mining Native Forest Restoration Trust New Zealand Ecological Restoration Network Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Save Happy Valley Campaign TerraNature Trees for Survival Waipoua Forest Trust SOUTH AFRICA
North West Parks & Tourism Board Honorary Officer AssociationFriends of the Pilansberg FOPS UNITED KINGDOM
Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Friends of the Earth England Wales and Northern Ireland Friends of the Earth Scotland Greenpeace UK Town and Country Planning Association Transport 2000 Council for the Protection of Rural England RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment UNITED STATESAmerican Bird Conservancy Association of Environmental Professionals Center for a New American Dream Earth First! League of Conservation Voters Izaak Walton League National Audubon Society Nature's Classroom Natural Resources Defense Council Native Forest Council National Wildlife Federation Negative Population Growth Population Connection Rainforest Action Network Resource Renewal Institute Sea Shepherd Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) Sierra Club TreePeople Union of Concerned Scientists The Rewilding Institute White Kiwi Foundation The Wilderness Society The Wildlands Project OTHER
African Conservation Foundation The Civic Trust Defenders of Wildlife Environmental Defense Fund European Biomass Association Forest Stewardship Council GREENGUARD Environmental Institute Groundwork IPAM - Brazil - Environmental Research NGO The Town and Country Planning Association North American Native Fishes Association Transitforum Austria TirolOTHER LINKS/WEBSITES:National Environmental Trust - a non-profit, non-partisan organization that works to inform citizens about environmental problems and how they affect our health and quality of life. - lots of info about pollution in your area, just enter your zip code. Colored maps also show how bad certain types of pollution are in your area. Environmental Protection Agency OEHHA Environmental Defense Fund ACTivist Magazine Industrial Workers of the World CUSP - environmental voting records for the United States Congress, including overpopulation-related votes League of Conservation Voters - environmental voting records for the United States Congress Rachel's Environment and Health News - Weekly news about how the polluted environment affects people, and what corporations and governments are doing about it. Also in Spanish. - Some organizations related to consumers and consumer protection, including pollution. CleanUp - Info about GE's shady dumping practices on the Hudson River. Extoxnet newsletters - environmental pollution news. Last update 1998. Environmental News Network - more news Environmental Working Group Sewage Sludge
In compiling the list for environmental agencies, I referred to these sites in order to learn more about the organizations as I felt necessary, as well as to increase the interantional additions:"" Natural Resource Defense Council.
March 2006